I am writing this page to provide useful information for parents of special needs children. I want to share an analogy for parents with special needs. If it rains one day, do we stop doing all work , get stressed out and increase our blood pressure or feel depressed. The answer is no. We buy an umbrella or rain coat or stay indoors and sometimes even enjoy. Similarly in life there are certain things which we can control and other things we cannot control. So, we should only focus on things we can control. Similarly if you have a special needs child, you should empower yourself with knowledge, information and actions which you can control and do not worry about the rest. I know it's easy to say than practice but I wanted to share my two cents. I provide sources of information for parents with special needs child on "Sources" page above which would help you in different stages of lifecycle. Please reach out to me using information on "Contact" page and I will try to do my best to get back to you.
Author - Abha Jyoti Bhanot