There are multiple stages of life starting with infancy to toddlers to kids to teenagers to young adults to middle age to old age.
1. Detection - I would suggest to start with following website once your child seems to be detected with autism. There have been some of the great brains of our times who have been on the autistic spectrum but they achieved greatness overcoming their limitation. So, do not lose hope and start with this reading. I rank this resource at level 9 as it's important for parents to identify early detection but at the same time do not get disheartened as many great people had limitations like Einstein who has Aspergers syndrome but he is regarded as the greatest scientist ever. That's why I rank or score this so high because of the motivation this resource could provide to parents.
2. Empowerment during early childhood - Empower and educate yourself with following resources once you start the journey where you need to take actions which you as parents can control. Refer to some of the following resources for this. These resources are good for early childhood stage. The second link below includes lot of resources including US Department of Education Resources. I rank both these resources at level 8 as these are great resources for parents of special needs child to get educated.
3. Teenagers and Young Adults - As the child transitions from one stage of life to next stage, parents need to continuously upgrading themselves with more information for that lifecycle stage and more importantly to transition to that next stage. This would help their special needs child support right from home as children are much more closer to parents than teachers. So the best thing could be when parents become teachers. The link below contains over 50 websites which are great resources for information for parents and families with special needs child. I rank following resource as level 8 as it provides wealth of information for parents of special needs teenagers and young adults.
4. Transition Sources - Transition of child with special needs from one stage of life to new stage or transitions within same stage of life like moving to next class, could be a challenge. I provide some resources below for parents or families to educate themselves with those life stage and inter stage transitions. I rank all resources below as level 7 or 8 as they are important part of lifecycle or life stages of a special needs child and most of the time, transitions is a very difficult stage for special needs child and parents.
5. Resources for Parents - I know we are talking a lot about special needs kids but its important to know that the parents of special need kids are their support system. Kids are totally dependent on them. So, its very important for parent with special needs kids to stay health both physically and more importantly mentally. I provide few resources below for parents with special needs kids.
I rank these resources below as level 9 or even 10 as these resources are most important for families of special needs child which are support system, may be for life.
Author - Abha Jyoti Bhanot